If I Could Paint a Picture

by | Apr 27, 2010

If I could paint a picture

I would paint it –

Instead of sitting here and seeing all the different ways to paint it.

If I could paint a picture I would paint a picture of my 9th grade art teacher sharing how everything is art and calling me a “Smart Ass” when I handed her a white canvas.

If I could paint a picture you would see a sister saying to me that I am not an artist because no one buys my pictures.

If I could paint a canvas it would involve a flash animation of infinite variation, with sound and light displaying and tweening each sequence with splashes of vigorous Knowing.

If I could paint a picture you’d be in it, and then again, and again because now you‘ve


If I could paint a picture I’d like to show you the mirror in your heart in each cellular division and transmutation lifting you out of any idea of the picture.

If I could paint a picture of myself the canvas would not be big enough nor small enough, it would be a burning canvas with a paint called no-thing.

If I could paint a picture, you’d see your pain and want to touch it with love and devotion. You’d caress your sore selves and see them heal in disappearing wonder.